E-Cigarettes in One Place


Vaping with a low nicotine dosage is often perceived as an advancement in smoking cessation. An e-liquid with a low nicotine content may be suitable for your needs. Nevertheless, it must be used at the right time, otherwise, you will run out of nicotine and vape constantly.

Nicotine is not toxic!

Nicotine has a bad image, it is demonized and is associated with various diseases such as cancer. In our article, ” Don’t be afraid of nicotine anymore “, we already touched on the question. Know that at a reasonable dose, it does not present a danger to your health.

Nicotine is widely associated with tobacco which also contains other harmful substances such as tar. Remember also that nicotine exists in the form of nicotine substitutes, widely recommended for smoking cessation. Nicotine should not be banned too quickly, to get rid of this addiction, the recommendation is to do it gradually.

What are the consequences if I vape with little nicotine?

Vaping with under-dosed e-liquids affects your nicotine satiety. We frequently get feedback from customers who say they vape from morning to night. The dosage chosen by some does not provide enough nicotine, resulting in more frequent vaping.

If the vaper is a beginner, the risk of falling back into tobacco is greater. With frustration, the vaper will not be satisfied.

The idea is not to tell you that you will always vape at high rates, but to take the time to listen to your needs. Throughout the vape experience, the dosage will be gradually reduced.

It is quite possible to go back to the dosage above if you feel the need. Also note that depending on the material chosen, the dosage can be modulated, taking into account the power of your electronic cigarette and your resistance.

When and how to reduce your nicotine dosage?

When you decide to quit traditional cigarettes, you need to make sure you start with the right dosage of nicotine. It can be difficult at first to determine what you need. Do not hesitate to test several dosages. To guide you, consult: ” what dosage of nicotine when you start vaping”.

When you are completely weaned from traditional cigarettes, vaping is tamed and permanently installed in your habits, you can try to gradually reduce the dosage of nicotine. First of all, you have to listen to yourself.

Analyze the situations during which you do not vape. Are they short? Rather long? What sensations do you feel when you take your first puffs? Do you vape for a long time? Only you can determine the perfect time. The comfort of vaping is essential!

Go in stages, do not go from an e-liquid in 12 to an e-liquid in 0. Opt for the one below. There are many strengths to suit all vapers. Do not hesitate to change the brand, if the latter does not offer a large choice of dosages.

Little by little, you will be able to achieve the long-awaited goal of all vapers, vaping without nicotine. To know all our tips for “ vaping without nicotine ”, consult our online article.