E-Cigarettes in One Place

E-Cigarettes and self-image creation

E-Cigarettes and self-image creation

Many smokers think it’s possible that the persecution a person faces during many years of smoking can evidently cause a negative self-image creation. Smoking is a powerful segment of your being and your existence; it becomes part of who you are.


You’ve perhaps been asked not to smoke in certain places, might have used perfume or cologne to get the smell out and were surprised if people avoided you in certain spaces because you smelled like smoke.

Who wouldn’t develop a negative self-image in this unpleasant situation? E-cigarettes leave no physical signs, no negative consequences such as smelly rooms, clothes and hair. Observing that you smell nice can improve your self- image and way of life. This knowledge may even lead to important changes how people behave around you.

One of the most appealing benefits is the fact that you can use an e-cigarette in many accessible places where smoking isn’t allowed. Nevertheless, it’s recommended to get confirmation that it’s allowed before using your e-cigarette in public, many bars, restaurants and workplaces allow e-smoking. Besides that, it would be not easy for any hotel or rental car agency to find out about your e-cigarette smoking habit. Smoking less frequent nicotine is definitely an inestimable privilege.